
Please consult the Symposium style sheet for specific formatting guidelines. The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition should be used for any formatting not explicitly covered in our style sheet. Please also ensure that your submission follows the APA Guidelines for the use of non-sexist, gender-neutral language (generally avoid “man” and “mankind”). Submissions containing sexist language will be returned to authors for adjustment prior to being sent to referees.

Contributors are strongly urged to avoid excessive use of footnotes and to use internal citations wherever possible. Articles that fare well in peer review but that contain excessive notes will be given a conditional acceptance until the notes are reduced to a moderate number.

Articles published in Symposium average 6000 to 8000 words in length. Articles longer than 10 000 words (including footnotes) will not be considered.

Book reviews should not exceed 2000 words. Longer review essays should be arranged in advance with the book review editor.

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to Symposium are peer-reviewed. Upon receipt of a manuscript an initial determination is made by the editorial team about its suitability for Symposium and the likelihood of it securing two favourable referee reports from scholars in the field. Some submissions are rejected at this stage. Otherwise the submission is forwarded to two referees from the advisory board and the broader philosophical community for assessment on a double-blind basis. Manuscripts accepted for publication generally receive two favorable reports and final approval from the editorial team. Approximately 40% of articles accepted for publication require substantial revision. Anonymous comments from referees are forwarded to authors when useful for purposes of revision. Average evaluation time is three months. Acceptance rate is around 12-15%.

By submitting a paper to Symposium, authors declare that their work is entirely original, that it does not defame anyone or infringe anyone’s intellectual property rights, and that it is not under review at another journal. Authors are responsible for ensuring that they accurately quote and reference the works of others. Symposium takes plagiarism very seriously, and we adhere to the Canadian Philosophical Association’s policy on plagiarism and academic misconduct.

Manuscripts of articles, accompanied by a 100-word abstract, should be sent by email attachment to:

Lorraine Markotic, Editor, Symposium

Please submit abstract and article in one document prepared for blind review and include all contact information in the body of your email.

Manuscripts of book reviews should be addressed to: Rick Elmore at .