Symposium publishes 20-30 book reviews annually, in all areas of Continental philosophy and some history of philosophy. As of 2010, all our book reviews are available on this site.

Persons interested in reviewing a book are invited to consult our list of books received. For further information, please contact the managing book review editor, Charlene Elsby ().

Click on headings to sort the list or filter the list by search terms. Click on a book title to read the review. You can also browse through the reviews here.

Review Author / Auteur du compte renduAuthor / AuteurTitle / TitrePublisher / ÉditeurYear / Année
Yang, Chen Somers-Hall, HenryJudgement and Sense in Modern French Philosophy: A New Reading of Six ThinkersCambridge2022
Shaw, D. Z. Braune, JoanUnderstanding and Countering Fascist Movements: From Void to HopeRoutledge 2024
Calcagno, Antonio Berkman, Joyce AvrechEdith Stein’s Life in a Jewish Family, 1891–1916: A CompanionLexington Books2023
Bechtol, Harris B. Moore, Ian Alexander SUNY2022
Fritzman, J. M. Ware, OwenIndian Philosophy and Yoga in GermanyRoutledge2024
Angella, MarcoIkäheimo, Heikki, Kristina Lepold, and Titus StahlRecognition and AmbivalenceColumbia University Press2021
Moss, Gregory S. McNulty, JacobHegel’s Logic and MetaphysicsCambridge University Press2023
Wong, JulesAwkward-Rich, Cameron The Terrible We: Thinking with Trans MaladjustmentDuke University Press2022
smith, everetTerada, Rei Metaracial: Hegel, Antiblackness, and Political IdentityUniversity of Chicago Press2023
Norris, BenjaminFulvi, DanieleSchelling, Freedom, and the Immanent Made Transcendent: From Philosophy of Nature to Environmental EthicsRoutledge2023
McConnell, Cory and Paula SchwebelDuy Lap NyugenWalter Benjamin and the Critique of Political Economy: A New Historical MaterialismBloomsbury2022
Mudde, Anna and Kristin RodierWelsh, Talia Feminist Existentialism, Biopolitics, and Critical Phenomenology in a Time of Bad HealthRoutledge2023
Hansen, SidFanny SöderbäckRevolutionary Time: On Time and Difference in Kristeva and IrigaraySUNY Press2019
Calcagno, AntonioBenso, Silvia and Elvira RoncalliContemporary Italian Women Philosophers: Stretching the Art of ThinkingSUNY Press2021
goldberg, rlZurn, PerryCuriosity and PowerUniversity of Minnesota Press2021
Crooks, JamesBaugh, BrucePhilosophers’ WalksRoutledge 2022
Baugh, BruceIngold, TimImagining for Real: Essays on Creation, Attention and CorrespondenceRoutledge2022
Shaw, Devin ZaneStover, ShahidEpistemic Ruptures, Insurgent PhilosophyCannae Press2022
Hall, SterlingPaquette, Elisabeth Universal Emancipation: Race Beyond BadiouMinneapolis: University of Minnesota Press2020
Jaeger, Timothy B. Hildebrand, Dietrich von What is Philosophy?Hildebrand Press2021
Melançon, Jérôme Evans, FredPublic Art and the Fragility of DemocracyColumbia UP2018
Luzecky, RobertBuchanan, IanThe Incomplete Project of Schizoanalysis: Collected Essays on Deleuze and GuattariEdinburgh UP2021
Royles, JoshuaBernet, RudolfForce, Drive, DesireNorthwestern UP2020
Dryden, JaneWare, OwenFichte's Moral PhilosophyOxford UP2020
Calcagno, AntonioHart, James G.Hedwig Conrad-Martius' Ontological PhenomenologySpringer2020
Kiloh, KathyAllen, AmyCritique on the Couch: Why Critical Theory Needs PsychoanalysisColumbia UP2020
Rodier, KristinWeiss, Gail, Ann V. Murphy and Gayle Salamon eds.50 Concepts for a Critical PhenomenologyNorthwestern UP 2019
Luzecky, RobertShaw, Devin ZanePhilosophy of Antifascism: Punching Nazis and Fighting White SupremacyRowman and Littlefield2020
Gordon, TiffanyHarmange, PaulineI Hate MenFourth Estate2020
Bernstein, Jeffrey A.Russon, JohnAdult Life: Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of HappinessSUNY2020
Angelova, EmiliaNelson, Eric S.Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material OtherSUNY2020
Morrison, AlexandraBredlau, SusanThe Other in PerceptionSUNY2018
Kilbourn, Russell J.A.Ferrando, FrancescaPhilosophical PosthumanismBloomsbury2019
Angelova, EmiliaJardine, AliceAt the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia KristevaBloomsbury2020
Gamez, PatrickJames, IanThe Technique of Thought: Nancy, Laruelle, Malabou and Stiegler after NaturalismMinnesota UP2019
Clemons, MattMoore, Ian AlexanderEckhart, Heidegger, and the Imperative of ReleasementSUNY 2019
Tritten, TylerWells, Adam Y.The Manifest and the Revealed: A Phenomenology of KenōsisSUNY 2018
Pabst, KurtButchart, Garnet C.Embodiment, Relation, CommunityPenn State UP2019
Chaput, EmmanuelNg, KarenHegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, LogicOxford UP2020
Morrison, AlexandraDastur, FrançoiseQuestions of Phenomenology: Language, Alterity, Temporality, FinitudeFordham UP2017
Elsby, CharleneFerri, Michela Beatrice, ed.The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North AmericaSpringer2019
Calcagno, AntonioVon Hildebrand, DietrichAestheticsThe von Hildebrand Project2018
Marshall, PatrickRodowick, D.N.What Philosophy Wants from ImagesChicago UP2018
Cook, DeborahMacdonald, IainWhat Would be DifferentStanford UP2019
Young, NikiHarman, GrahamObject-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of EverythingPelican Books2018
Góis Moreira, PedroDerrida, Jacques, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Philippe Lacoue-LabartheHeidegger, Philosophy, and Politics: The Heidelberg ConferenceFordham UP2016
Jurga, SauliusKavoulakos, Konstantinos Georg Lukács’s Philosophy of PraxisBloomsbury2018
Calcagno, AntonioBoublil, ÉlodieVulnérabilité et empathieHermann2018
Ballas, AnthonyMcGowan, ToddCapitalism and DesireColumbia UP2016
Bennett, Michael J.Nail, ThomasBeing and MotionOxford UP2018
Jackson, RobertWesterman, RichardLukács’s Phenomenology of CapitalismPalgrave Macmillan2019
Calcagno, AntonioPulcini, ElenaCare of the WorldSpringer2013
Moufawad-Paul, J.Moten, FredConsent Not To Be A Single BeingDuke UP2018
Elsby, CharleneCalcagno, Antonio, ed.Gerda Walther's Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and ReligionSpringer2018
Gratton, PeterNaas, MichaelPlato and the Invention of LifeFordham UP2018
Dutton, SimonLynch, Richard A.Foucault's Critical EthicsFordham UP 2016
Leadston, MackenzieWalton, SaigeCinema’s Baroque Flesh: Film, Phenomenology and the Art of EntanglementAmsterdam University Press2016
Kennel, MaxwellCelikates, RobinCritique as Social Practice: Critical Theory and Social Self-UnderstandingRowman and Littlefield International2018
Burch, RobertDodd, Susan M. and Neil G. Robertson eds.Hegel and Canada: Unity of Opposites?Toronto UP2018
Calcagno, AntonioRobaszkiewicz, MariaÜbungen im politischen DenkenSpringer2017
Parris, AmandaKramer, SinaExcluded Within: The (Un)Intelligibility of Radical Political ActorsOxford UP 2017
Capener, SeanSmith, Anthony Paul Laruelle: A Stranger ThoughtPolity2016
Rawls, ChristinaCharle, Christophe Birth of the Intellectuals: 1880-1900Polity2015
Westerman, RichardFeenberg, AndrewTechnosystem: The Social Life of ReasonHarvard UP2017
Tritten, TylerDalton, Drew M.The Ethics of Resistance Bloomsbury2018
Shaw, Devin ZaneSriduangkaew, Benjanun and J. Moufawad-PaulMethods Devour Themselves: A ConversationZero2018
Birks, ChelseaRugo, DanielePhilosophy and the Patience of Film in Cavell and NancyPalgrave Macmillan2016
Lajoie, CorinneAhmed, SaraLiving a Feminist LifeDuke UP2017
Hoff, ShannonRawlinson, MaryJust Life: Bioethics and the Future of Sexual DifferenceColumbia UP2016
Calcagno, AntonioMeis Wörmer, AnnelieseEl Espíritu Santo y el Sentimiento: Nexo Misterioso entre Espíritu y Cuerpo en Edith SteinEdiciones Universidad San Dámaso2016
Duvernoy, Russell J.Morton, TimothyDark Ecology: For a Logic of Future CoexistenceColumbia UP2016
Tritten, TylerLundy, Craig and Daniela Voss, eds.At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian PhilosophyEdinburgh UP2015
Moufawad-Paul, JoshuaSteven, MarkSplatter Capital: The Political Economy of Gore FilmsRepeater2017
Konior, BognaKolozova, Katerina and Eileen A. Joy, eds.After the "Speculative Turn"Punctum Books2016
Pawlett Jackson, SarahVan der Heiden, Gert-JanPhenomenological Perspectives on PluralityBrill2015
Kotsko, AdamRamey, JoshuaPolitics of DivinationRowman & Littlefield2016
Joldersma, ClarenceZuidervaart, LambertReligion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational PhilosophyMcGill-Queen's UP2016
Murphy, Michael P.A.Moran, Brendan and Carlo SalzaniTowards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio AgambenBloomsbury2015
Landry, AaronKroker, ArthurExits to the Posthuman FuturePolity2014
Gangle, RoccoJohn Ó MaoilearcaAll Thoughts are EqualUniversity of Minnesota2015
Westerman, RichardGordon, PeterAdorno
and Existence
Harvard UP2016
Furlotte, WesRosenkranz, KarlAesthetics of UglinessBloomsbury2015
Fleming, David H.Del Río, ElenaThe Grace of Destruction: A Vital Ethology of Extreme CinemasBloomsbury2016
Dryden, JaneBreazeale, DanielThinking Through the Wissenschaftslehre: Themes from Fichte’s Early PhilosophyOxford2013
Rayman, JoshuaMariotti, Shannon L.Adorno
and Democracy: The American years
University Press of Kentucky2016
Dozzi, MarcoMiguens, Sofia, Gerhard Preyer, and Clara Bravo Morando (eds.)Pre-Reflective Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of MindRoutledge2016
Simmons, William J.Butler, Rex and David Denny (eds.)Lars von Trier's WomenBloomsbury2017
Bergstrom, AndersRodowick, D.N.Philosophy’s Artful ConversationHarvard UP2015
Koutras, KonstantinosRancière, JacquesThe Intervals of CinemaVerso2014
Islekel, Ege SelinNaas, MichaelThe End of the World and Other Teachable Moments: Derrida’s Final SeminarFordham UP2015
Haaga, AdamSecret, TimothyThe Politics and Pedagogy of Mourning: On Responsibility in EulogyBloomsbury2015
Kennel, MaxwellRomano, ClaudeAt the Heart of ReasonNorthwestern UP2015
Matheson RussellHonneth, Axel and Jacques RancièreRecognition or DisagreementColumbia University2016
Tremain, ShelleyMladenov, TeodorCritical Theory and Disability: A Phenomenological ApproachBloomsbury2016
Debogorski, ClintonBraver, Lee (ed.)Division III of Heidegger’s Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of BeingMIT Press2015
Gibson, ChristopherWarnke, GeorgiaInheriting Gadamer: New Directions in Philosophical HermeneuticsEdinburgh University2016
Mariotti, ShannonMullen, Gary A.Adorno on Politics After AuschwitzLexington2015
Procyshyn, AlexeiRichter, GerhardInheriting Walter BenjaminBloomsbury2016
McLennan, Matthew R.Lévi-Strauss, ClaudeWe Are All Cannibals and Other EssaysColumbia2016
James, IanNancy, Jean-LucEgo Sum: Corpus, Anima, FabulaFordham2016
Nicholls, TraceyCornell, Drucilla and Stephen D. SeelyThe Spirit of Revolution: Beyond the Dead Ends of ManPolity2016
Parker, Rodney K.B.Ales Bello, AngelaThe Sense of Things: Toward a Phenomenological RealismSpringer2015
Jaima, AmirParris, LaRose T. Being Apart: Theoretical and Existential Resistance in Africana LiteratureUniversity of Virginia2015
Anderson, PatrickTunstall, Dwayne A.Doing Philosophy Personally: Thinking about Metaphysics, Theism, and Antiblack RacismFordham UP2013
Gunter, P.A.Y.Lefebvre, AlexandreHuman Rights as a Way of Life: On Bergson’s Political PhilosophyStanford UP2013
Maidan, MichaelGoldwyn, ElisabethReading Between the Lines: Form and Content in Levinas’s Talmudic ReadingsDuquesne UP2015
Shaw, Devin ZaneMcLennan, Matthew R.Philosophy, Sophistry, Antiphilosophy: Badiou's Dispute with LyotardBloomsbury2015
McLennan, Matthew R.Shaw, Devin ZaneEgalitarian Moments: From Descartes to RancièreBloomsbury2016
Elsby, CharleneCalcagno, AntonioLived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith SteinDuquesne2014
Brownlee, Timothy L.Russon, JohnInfinite Phenomenology: The Lessons of Hegel’s Phenomenology of ExperienceNorthwestern UP2016
Meyer, Eric D.Agamben, GiorgioThe Use of BodiesStanford UP2016
Peterson, Keith R.Ferraris, MaurizioIntroduction to New RealismBloomsbury2015
Zummo, RaphaëlDucharme, Olivier et Pierre-Alexandre FradetUne vie sans bon sens. Regard philosophique sur Pierre PerraultNota Bene2016
McLennan, Matthew R.Breaugh, MartinThe Plebeian Experience: A Discontinuous History of Political FreedomColumbia UP2013
DeLay, StevenRivera, JosephThe Contemplative Self after Michel Henry: A Phenomenological TheologyUniversity of Notre Dame Press2015
Haladyn, Julian Jason and Maxwell HyettPalmer, HelenDeleuze and Futurism: A Manifesto for NonsenseBloomsbury2014
Wood, MatthewCisney, Vernon W.Derrida's Voice and PhenomenonEdinburgh UP2014
Shaw, Devin ZaneBreaugh, Martin, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi, and Devin PennerThinking Radical Democracy: The Return to Politics in Post-war FranceUniversity of Toronto2015
Nikolchina, MiglenaStawarska, BeataSaussure’s Philosophy of Language as Phenomenology: Undoing the Doctrine of the Course in General LinguisticsOxford UP2015
Adsett, DanielVan der HeidenOntology after Ontotheology: Plurality, Event, and Contingency in Contemporary PhilosophyDuquesne UP2014
Meyer, Eric D.Gschwandtner, Christina M.Postmodern Apologetics?: Arguments for God in Contemporary PhilosophyFordham UP2013
Meyer, Eric D. Gschwandtner, ChristinaDegrees of Givenness: On Saturation in Jean-Luc MarionIndiana UP2014
Gratton, PeterNancy, Jean-Luc and Adèle Van ReethLa jouissancePlon2014
Harris, Daniel I.Azzam, AbedNietzsche Versus PaulColumbia UP2015
Lalonde, JoshuaGabriel, MarkusFields of Sense: A New Realist OntologyEdinburgh UP2015
Gratton, PeterRoitman, JanetAnti-CrisisDuke UP2014
Lauer, ChristopherAltman, Matthew C. (ed.)The Palgrave Handbook of German IdealismPalgrave Macmillan2014
Calcagno, AntonioGiorgio Baruchello and Ingerid S. Straume (eds)Creation, Rationality and Autonomy: Essays on Cornelius CastoriadisNSU Press2013
Elmore, RickGratton, PeterSpeculative Realism: Problems and ProspectsBloomsbury2014
McLennan, Matthew R.Baudrillard, JeanThe Divine Left: A Chronicle of the Years 1977–1984Semiotext(e)2014
Josset, SylvainPerrin, ChristopheEntendre la métaphysique. Les significations de la pensée de Descartes dans l’œuvre de HeideggerPeeters2013
Biswas Mellamphy, NanditaPanaïoti, AntoineAntoine Panaïoti, Nietzsche and Buddhist PhilosophyCambridge UP2013
Furlotte, WesStern, David S. (ed.)Essays on Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective SpiritSUNY2013
Maidan, MichaelForst, RainerThe Right to Justification: Elements of a Constructivist Theory of JusticeColumbia UP2012
Lewis, ClayHaddad, SamirDerrida and the Inheritance of DemocracyIndiana UP2013
Laberge, YvesTanke, Joseph et Colin McQuillan (dirs.)The Bloomsbury Anthology of AestheticsBloomsbury Academic2012
Frost, TomWhyte, JessicaCatastrophe and Redemption: The Political Thought of Giorgio AgambenSUNY2013
Marshall, J.A.F.McGrath, S.J.The Dark Ground of Spirit: Schelling and the UnconsciousRoutledge2012
Lauzon, JeanFradet, Pierre AlexandreDerrida-Bergson. Sur l’immédiatetéHermann2014
Pirovolakis, EftichisMaggini, GolfoToward a Hermeneutics of the Technical World: From Heidegger to Contemporary TechnosciencePatakis Publications2010
Gratton, PeterJohnston, AdrianProlegomena to Any Future MaterialismNorthwestern UP2013
Joldersma, ClarenceSeverson, EricLevinas’s Philosophy of Time: Gift, Responsibility, Diachrony, HopeDuquesne UP2013
Kennel, MaxwellMarion, Jean-LucGivenness and HermeneuticsMarquette UP2013
Wood, MatthewRicoeur, PaulBeing, Essence and Substance in Plato and AristotlePolity2013
Madelrieux, StéphaneBabich, BabetteLa fin de la pensée? Philosophie analytique contre philosophie continentaleL’Harmattan2012
McLennan, Matthew R.Negri, AntonioThe Winter is Over: Writings on Transformation Denied, 1989-1995Semiotext(e)2013
McLennan, Matthew R.Lyotard, Jean-FrançoisDiscourse, FigureUniversity of Minnesota2011
O'Rourke, JonathanCrowell, StevenNormativity and Phenomenology in Husserl and HeideggerCambridge UP2013
Gandon, SébastienHalimi, BriceLe Nécessaire et l’universel. Analyse et critique de leur corrélation.Vrin2013
Bouton, ChristopheThibodeau, MartinHegel et la tragédie grecquePresses Universitaires de Rennes2011
Fairfield, PaulMadison, Gary B.On Suffering: Philosophical Reflections on What It Means To Be HumanMcMaster Innovation2013
McMahon, LauraMarratto, Scott L.The Intercorporeal Self: Merleau-Ponty on SubjectivitySUNY2012
Haladyn, Julian JasonKelly, MichaelA Hunger for Aesthetics: Enacting the Demands of ArtColumbia UP2012
Calcagno, AntonioPerone, UgoFilosofia e spazio pubblicoil Mulino2012
Laberge, YvesMullarkey, John et Beth Lord (dirs)The Continuum Companion to Continental PhilosophyContinuum2009
Thibodeau, MartinLaitinen, Arto et Constantin Sandis (dirs)Hegel on ActionPalgrave Macmillan2010
Ford, Thomas H.Meillassoux, QuentinThe Number and the Siren: A Decipherment of Mallarmé's Coup de DésUrbanomic2012
McLennan, Matthew R.Guattari, Félix and Suely RolnikMolecular Revolution in BrazilSemiotext(e)2008
Karkov, NikolayLazzarato, MaurizioThe Making of Indebted ManSemiotext(e)2012
Kennel, MaxwellVattimo, Gianni and Santiago ZabalaHermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to MarxColumbia UP2011
Kennel, MaxwellBadiou, AlainThe Communist HypothesisVerso2010
Kennel, MaxwellGroys, BorisThe Communist PostscriptVerso2009
Smyth, BryanThompson, Michael J. (ed.)Georg Lukács Reconsidered: Critical Essays in Politics, Philosophy and AestheticsContinuum2011
Smyth, BryanBewes, Timothy and Timothy Hall (eds)Georg Lukács: The Fundamental Dissonance of Existence. Aesthetics, Politics, LiteratureContinuum2011
Laberge, YvesGoebel, Rolf J. (ed.)A Companion to the Works of Walter BenjaminCamden House2009
Ciurria, MichelleEnns, DianeThe Violence of VictimhoodPennsylvania State UP2012
Harman, JasonWatkin, ChristopherDifficult Atheism: Post-Theological Thinking in Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Quentin MeillassouxEdinburgh UP2011
Calcagno, AntonioGonzález Di Pierro, EduardoDe la persona a la historia. Antropología fenomenológica y filosofia de la historia en Edith SteinDríada2004
Walker, Rachel LoewenMarrati, PaolaGilles Deleuze: Cinema and PhilosophyJohns Hopkins UP2008
Landry, AaronMitscherling, JeffThe Image of a Second Sun: Plato on Poetry, Rhetoric and the Techne of MimesisHumanity Books2009
Karkov, Nikolay Pignarre, Philippe and Isabelle StengerCapitalist Sorcery: Breaking the SpellPalgrave Macmillan2011
Parker, Emily Anne and Kristin Rodierde Beauvoir, SimoneThe Second SexKnopf2010
Sych, StevenWortham, Simon MorganThe Derrida DictionaryContinuum2010
Sari, YaseminRaffoul, FrançoisThe Origins of ResponsibilityIndiana UP2010
Shaw, Devin ZaneAbensour, MiguelDemocracy Against the State: Marx and the Machiavellian MomentPolity2011
Holloway, TravisCrépon, Marc and Bernard StieglerDe la démocratie participative: Fondements et limitesMille et une nuits2007
Carastathis, AnnaMcWhorter, LadelleRacism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A GenealogyIndiana UP2009
Boublil, ElodieKristensen, StefanParole et Subjectivité. Merleau-Ponty et la phénoménologie de l’expressionGeorg Olms2010
Kennel, Maxwell Guattari, FélixSoft Subversions: Texts and Interviews 1977-1985Semiotext(e)2009
Colony, TracyBoddice, Rob (ed.)Anthropocentrism: Humans, Animals, EnvironmentsBrill2011
Shaw, Devin ZaneStiegler, BernardFor a New Critique of Political EconomyCambridge UP2010
Gray, Kevin W.Brunkhorst, Hauke HabermasReclam2006
Gray, Kevin W.Finlayson, Gordon JamesHabermas: A Very Short IntroductionOxford UP2005
Gray, Kevin W.Iser, Mattias and David StreckerJürgen Habermas: zur EinführungJunius2010
Balay, JoeCarbone, MauroAn Unprecedented Deformation: Marcel Proust and the Sensible IdeasSUNY2010
Proulx, JeremyShaw, Devin ZaneFreedom and Nature in Schelling’s Philosophy of ArtContinuum2010
Sych, StevenCarlisle, ClareKierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling: A Reader’s GuideContinuum2010
Harman, JasonNancy, Jean-LucGod, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little DialoguesFordham UP2011
Boundas, Constantin V.Lefebvre, AlexandreThe Image of Law: Deleuze, Bergson, SpinozaStanford2008
Melançon, JérômeLe Baut, HervéPrésence de Merleau-PontyL'Harmattan2010
Sharp, HasanaMack, MichaelSpinoza and the Specters of Modernity: The Hidden Enlightenment of Diversity from Spinoza to FreudContinuum2010
Gaulin, MorganRedding, PaulContinental Idealism: Leibniz to NietzscheRoutledge2009
Smyth, BryanToadvine, TedMerleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of NatureNorthwestern UP2009
Kennel, MaxwellStiegler, BernardActing OutStanford UP2009
Phillips, Janet M.Protevi, JohnJohn Protevi, Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the SomaticU of Minnesota P2009
Baltzer-Jaray, KimberlyRollinger, Robin D.Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong, and Others on Mind and ObjectOntos2008
Rodier, Kristin AnneRavaisson, FélixOf HabitContinuum2008
Serban, Claudia-CristinaMarion, Jean-LucCertitudes négativesGrasset2010
Mudde, AnnaFordham, FinnI Do, I Undo, I Redo: The Textual Genesis of Modernist Selves York UP2010
Appelbaum, DavidO'Byrne, AnneNatality and FinitudeIndiana UP2010
Gratton, PeterNancy, Jean-LucThe Truth of DemocracyFordham UP2010
Glass, JordanCohen, Richard A.Levinasian Meditations: Ethics, Philosophy, and ReligionDuquesne UP2010
Manganaro, PatriziaAles Bello, AngelaEdith Stein o dell’armonia. Esistenza, Pensiero, FedeStudium2009
Boundas, Constantin Sutter, LaurentDeleuze. La pratique du droitMichalon2009
Kennedy, Robert W.M.Kearney, RichardAnatheism: Returning to God after GodColumbia UP2010
Singleton, Bronwyn Oliver, KellyAnimal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be HumanColumbia UP2009
Kennedy, Robert W.M.Guarino, Thomas G.Vattimo and TheologyContinuum2009
Glass, JordanStauffer, Jill and Betina Bergo (eds)Nietzsche and Levinas: “After the Death of a Certain God”Columbia UP2009
Tkach, DavidPettigrew, David and François Raffoul (eds)French Interpretations of Heidegger: An Exceptional ReceptionSUNY2008
Zabala, SantiagoDavey, Nicholas Unquiet Understanding: Gadamer’s Philosophical HermeneuticsSUNY2006
Glass, JordanHaase, UllrichStarting with NietzscheContinuum2008
Melançon, JérômeMayzaud, YvesPersonne, communauté et monade chez Husserl. Contribution à l’étude des fondements de la phénoménologie politique. L'Harmattan2010
Staehler, TanjaAllen, SarahThe Philosophical Sense of Transcendence: Levinas and Plato on Loving Beyond BeingDuquesne UP2009
Provencher, MartinDesroches, DominicExpressions éthiques de l’intériorité. Éthique et distance dans la pensée de KierkegaardPUL2008
Allen, SarahStaehler, TanjaPlato and Levinas: The Ambiguous Out-Side of EthicsRoutledge2010
Short, Jonathande la Durantaye, LelandGiorgio Agamben: A Critical IntroductionStanford UP2009
Short, JonathanMills, CatherineThe Philosophy of AgambenMcGill/Queen’s UP2008
Goldstein, MartinDiprose, Rosalyn and Jack Reynolds (eds) Merleau-Ponty: Key ConceptsAcumen2008
Gratton, PeterHarman, GrahamPrince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysicsre-press2009
Mitscherling, JeffAles Bello, AngelaThe Divine in Husserl and Other ExplorationsSpringer2009
Skibra, DanielVisker, RudiThe Inhuman Condition: Looking for Difference After Levinas and HeideggerDuquesne UP2008
Desroches, DominicGrosos, PhilippeL'ironie du réel à la lumière du romantisme allemandL’Âge d’Homme2009
Calcagno, AntonioBorden Sharkey, SarahThine Own Self: Individuality in Edith Stein’s Later WritingsCatholic U of America2010
Landry, Aaron JamesHyland, DrewPlato and the Question of BeautyIndiana UP2008
Gratton, PeterMalabou, CatherinePlasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, DeconstructionColumbia UP2010
Carriere, CatherineShang, Ge LingLiberation as Affirmation: The Religiosity of Zhuangzi and NietzscheSUNY2007
Ziser, MichaelBuchanan, BrettOnto-Ethologies: The Animal Environments of Uexküll, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and DeleuzeSUNY2008
Gray, Kevin W.Sherman, DavidSartre and Adorno: The Dialectics of SubjectivitySUNY2007
Mudde, AnnaEnns, DianeSpeaking of Freedom: Philosophy, Politics, and the Struggle for LiberationStanford UP2007
Landry, Aaron JamesFabbri, LorenzoThe Domestication of Derrida: Rorty, Pragmatism and DeconstructionContinuum2008
Calcagno, AntonioAles Bello, Angela and Anna Maria Pezzella (eds)Edith Stein: Comunità e mondo della vita—Società Diritto Religione [Edith Stein: Community and the Lifeworld—Society, Law, Religion]Lateran UP2008
Lee, RobynKangas, David J.Kierkegaard’s Instant: On BeginningsIndiana UP2007
Weinkauf, DavidSembara, RichardRephrasing Heidegger: A Companion to Being and TimeU of Ottawa P2007
Gamez, PatrickKompridis, NikolasCritique and Disclosure: Critical Theory between Past and FutureMIT2006
Rodger, Charles P.Hegel, G.W.F.Lectures on Logic: Berlin 1831Indiana UP2008
Skibra, DanielStapleford, ScottKant’s Transcendental Arguments: Disciplining Pure ReasonContinuum2008
Desroches, DominicClair, AndréKierkegaard et Lequier : lectures croiséesCerf2008
Otabé, MartinBasque, TaniaÉtude sur la phénoménologie de Heidegger : l’être et le phénomèneL'Harmattan2008
Maloney, CathyMalka, SalomonEmmanuel Levinas: His Life and LegacyDuquesne UP2006
Vizeau, BrentBadiou, AlainBriefings on Existence: A Short Treatise on Transitory OntologySUNY2006
Czank, JamesDove, CraigNietzsche's Ethical Theory: Mind, Self and ResponsibilityContinuum2008
Proulx, JeremyFreydberg, BernhardSchelling's Dialogical Freedom Essay: Provocative Philosophy Then and NowSUNY2008
Antonioli, ManolaGiroux, Dalie, René Lemieux et Pierre-Luc Chénier (dirs)Contr'hommage pour Gilles DeleuzePUL2009
Ewegen, Shane M.Lacoue-Labarthe, PhilippeHeidegger and the Politics of PoetryChicago UP2007
Lussier, MartinStivale, Charles J.Gilles Deleuze's ABCs: The Folds of FriendshipsJohns Hopkins UP2008
Cappucci, JohnPress, Gerald A.Plato: A Guide for the PerplexedContinuum2007
Rodger, Charles P.Hegel, G.W.F.Lectures on the History of Philosophy 1825–26, Volume I: Introduction and Oriental PhilosophyOxford UP2009
Tanke, Joseph J.Taylor, ChloëThe Culture of Confession from Augustine to Foucault: A Genealogy of the “Confessing Animal”Routledge2009
Clark, LorraineEagleton, TerryTrouble with Strangers: A Study of EthicsWiley-Blackwell2009
Gamsby, PatrickKennedy, GregAn Ontology of Trash: The Disposable and its Problematic NatureSUNY2007
Desmeules, Marie-HélèneJaquet, ChantalLes transclasses ou la non-reproductionPresses universitaires de France2014
St-Germain, FélixWotling, PatrickPatrick Wotling, “Oui, l’homme fut un essai”. La philosophie de l’avenir selon NietzschePresses universitaires de France2016
Kristensen, StefanFuchs, ThomasEcology of the Brain. The Phenomenology and Biology of the Embodied Mind, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018.Oxford University Press2018
Chaput, Emmanuel. Theurillat-Cloutier, FannySimmel, GeorgL’argent dans la culture moderne et autres essais sur l’« économie de la vie »Presses de l'Université Laval2018
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