1.  The name of the society is the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy / La société canadienne de philosophie continentale.

1.1.  The name replaces the former Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought / La Société canadienne pour l’herméneutique et la pensée postmoderne.

2.  The purpose of the society is to further the study of contemporary Continental philosophy in Canada and internationally, as it is currently broadly defined to include such traditions as German idealism, phenomenology, philosophies of existence, hermeneutics, critical theory, feminism, post-structuralism, postmodernism, and deconstruction.

2.1.  To this end the society will (i) hold an annual conference, (ii) publish a journal (titled Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy), and (iii) maintain a society website.

2.2.  The official languages of the society shall be English and French.

3.  Membership will be open to anyone with a scholarly interest in Continental thought including, but not limited to, the fields listed in 2 above. The society is committed to a pluralistic approach to philosophy.

4.  The society will be led by an Executive Committee, which will include a President, the Editor of Symposium, up to four Executive Committee members at large, a graduate student representative, a treasurer, and a Past-President in an honourary role.

4.1.  The President will preside at all meetings of the society and at executive committee meetings, and will be responsible for the administration of the society.

4.2.  Executive Committee members at large will be responsible for adjudicating graduate student essays for the essay prize; selecting essays from responses to the general call for papers for our annual conference; and providing general advice and support for the president.

4.3.  The graduate student representative will be responsible for publicizing our events to graduate students, providing assistance at the annual conference with registration and the book display table, and representing the interests of students to the society. This position may be held for up to three years.

4.4.  The treasurer will collect dues and oversee disbursements of the society, will maintain the database and report to the membership as required by the Executive Committee.

4.5.  The President and all members of the Executive Committee excepting the Editor of Symposium will be voted in at the general business meeting. The terms of these offices with the exception of the graduate student representative (see 4.3) will be three years.

4.6.  The editor of Symposium must be a reputable scholar in the field of continental philosophy, voted in by the Executive Committee after posting an advertisement to the general membership. The term of the editor will be determined by the Executive Committee and may be modified by the Committee in consultation with the membership.

4.7.  The Past-President will serve as occasional consultant to the current President.

5.  The society will hold a general business meeting once a year, in conjunction with the annual CSCP conference.

6.  The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote at the general business meeting.