Symposium publie 20-30 comptes rendus annuellement, lesquels portent sur tous les domaines de la philosophie continentale et de l’histoire de la philosophie. Depuis 2010, tous les comptes rendus publiés dans la revue sont aussi disponibles sur ce site.
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Review Author / Auteur du compte rendu | Author / Auteur | Title / Titre | Publisher / Éditeur | Year / Année | |
Yang, Chen | Somers-Hall, Henry | Judgement and Sense in Modern French Philosophy: A New Reading of Six Thinkers | Cambridge | 2022 | |
Shaw, D. Z. | Braune, Joan | Understanding and Countering Fascist Movements: From Void to Hope | Routledge | 2024 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Berkman, Joyce Avrech | Edith Stein’s Life in a Jewish Family, 1891–1916: A Companion | Lexington Books | 2023 | |
Bechtol, Harris B. | Moore, Ian Alexander | SUNY | 2022 | ||
Fritzman, J. M. | Ware, Owen | Indian Philosophy and Yoga in Germany | Routledge | 2024 | |
Angella, Marco | Ikäheimo, Heikki, Kristina Lepold, and Titus Stahl | Recognition and Ambivalence | Columbia University Press | 2021 | |
Moss, Gregory S. | McNulty, Jacob | Hegel’s Logic and Metaphysics | Cambridge University Press | 2023 | |
Wong, Jules | Awkward-Rich, Cameron | The Terrible We: Thinking with Trans Maladjustment | Duke University Press | 2022 | |
smith, everet | Terada, Rei | Metaracial: Hegel, Antiblackness, and Political Identity | University of Chicago Press | 2023 | |
Norris, Benjamin | Fulvi, Daniele | Schelling, Freedom, and the Immanent Made Transcendent: From Philosophy of Nature to Environmental Ethics | Routledge | 2023 | |
McConnell, Cory and Paula Schwebel | Duy Lap Nyugen | Walter Benjamin and the Critique of Political Economy: A New Historical Materialism | Bloomsbury | 2022 | |
Mudde, Anna and Kristin Rodier | Welsh, Talia | Feminist Existentialism, Biopolitics, and Critical Phenomenology in a Time of Bad Health | Routledge | 2023 | |
Hansen, Sid | Fanny Söderbäck | Revolutionary Time: On Time and Difference in Kristeva and Irigaray | SUNY Press | 2019 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Benso, Silvia and Elvira Roncalli | Contemporary Italian Women Philosophers: Stretching the Art of Thinking | SUNY Press | 2021 | |
goldberg, rl | Zurn, Perry | Curiosity and Power | University of Minnesota Press | 2021 | |
Crooks, James | Baugh, Bruce | Philosophers’ Walks | Routledge | 2022 | |
Baugh, Bruce | Ingold, Tim | Imagining for Real: Essays on Creation, Attention and Correspondence | Routledge | 2022 | |
Shaw, Devin Zane | Stover, Shahid | Epistemic Ruptures, Insurgent Philosophy | Cannae Press | 2022 | |
Hall, Sterling | Paquette, Elisabeth | Universal Emancipation: Race Beyond Badiou | Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press | 2020 | |
Jaeger, Timothy B. | Hildebrand, Dietrich von | What is Philosophy? | Hildebrand Press | 2021 | |
Melançon, Jérôme | Evans, Fred | Public Art and the Fragility of Democracy | Columbia UP | 2018 | |
Luzecky, Robert | Buchanan, Ian | The Incomplete Project of Schizoanalysis: Collected Essays on Deleuze and Guattari | Edinburgh UP | 2021 | |
Royles, Joshua | Bernet, Rudolf | Force, Drive, Desire | Northwestern UP | 2020 | |
Dryden, Jane | Ware, Owen | Fichte's Moral Philosophy | Oxford UP | 2020 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Hart, James G. | Hedwig Conrad-Martius' Ontological Phenomenology | Springer | 2020 | |
Kiloh, Kathy | Allen, Amy | Critique on the Couch: Why Critical Theory Needs Psychoanalysis | Columbia UP | 2020 | |
Rodier, Kristin | Weiss, Gail, Ann V. Murphy and Gayle Salamon eds. | 50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology | Northwestern UP | 2019 | |
Luzecky, Robert | Shaw, Devin Zane | Philosophy of Antifascism: Punching Nazis and Fighting White Supremacy | Rowman and Littlefield | 2020 | |
Gordon, Tiffany | Harmange, Pauline | I Hate Men | Fourth Estate | 2020 | |
Bernstein, Jeffrey A. | Russon, John | Adult Life: Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of Happiness | SUNY | 2020 | |
Angelova, Emilia | Nelson, Eric S. | Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other | SUNY | 2020 | |
Morrison, Alexandra | Bredlau, Susan | The Other in Perception | SUNY | 2018 | |
Kilbourn, Russell J.A. | Ferrando, Francesca | Philosophical Posthumanism | Bloomsbury | 2019 | |
Angelova, Emilia | Jardine, Alice | At the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia Kristeva | Bloomsbury | 2020 | |
Gamez, Patrick | James, Ian | The Technique of Thought: Nancy, Laruelle, Malabou and Stiegler after Naturalism | Minnesota UP | 2019 | |
Clemons, Matt | Moore, Ian Alexander | Eckhart, Heidegger, and the Imperative of Releasement | SUNY | 2019 | |
Tritten, Tyler | Wells, Adam Y. | The Manifest and the Revealed: A Phenomenology of Kenōsis | SUNY | 2018 | |
Pabst, Kurt | Butchart, Garnet C. | Embodiment, Relation, Community | Penn State UP | 2019 | |
Chaput, Emmanuel | Ng, Karen | Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic | Oxford UP | 2020 | |
Morrison, Alexandra | Dastur, Françoise | Questions of Phenomenology: Language, Alterity, Temporality, Finitude | Fordham UP | 2017 | |
Elsby, Charlene | Ferri, Michela Beatrice, ed. | The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America | Springer | 2019 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Von Hildebrand, Dietrich | Aesthetics | The von Hildebrand Project | 2018 | |
Marshall, Patrick | Rodowick, D.N. | What Philosophy Wants from Images | Chicago UP | 2018 | |
Cook, Deborah | Macdonald, Iain | What Would be Different | Stanford UP | 2019 | |
Young, Niki | Harman, Graham | Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything | Pelican Books | 2018 | |
Góis Moreira, Pedro | Derrida, Jacques, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe | Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics: The Heidelberg Conference | Fordham UP | 2016 | |
Jurga, Saulius | Kavoulakos, Konstantinos | Georg Lukács’s Philosophy of Praxis | Bloomsbury | 2018 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Boublil, Élodie | Vulnérabilité et empathie | Hermann | 2018 | |
Ballas, Anthony | McGowan, Todd | Capitalism and Desire | Columbia UP | 2016 | |
Bennett, Michael J. | Nail, Thomas | Being and Motion | Oxford UP | 2018 | |
Jackson, Robert | Westerman, Richard | Lukács’s Phenomenology of Capitalism | Palgrave Macmillan | 2019 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Pulcini, Elena | Care of the World | Springer | 2013 | |
Moufawad-Paul, J. | Moten, Fred | Consent Not To Be A Single Being | Duke UP | 2018 | |
Elsby, Charlene | Calcagno, Antonio, ed. | Gerda Walther's Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion | Springer | 2018 | |
Gratton, Peter | Naas, Michael | Plato and the Invention of Life | Fordham UP | 2018 | |
Dutton, Simon | Lynch, Richard A. | Foucault's Critical Ethics | Fordham UP | 2016 | |
Leadston, Mackenzie | Walton, Saige | Cinema’s Baroque Flesh: Film, Phenomenology and the Art of Entanglement | Amsterdam University Press | 2016 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Celikates, Robin | Critique as Social Practice: Critical Theory and Social Self-Understanding | Rowman and Littlefield International | 2018 | |
Burch, Robert | Dodd, Susan M. and Neil G. Robertson eds. | Hegel and Canada: Unity of Opposites? | Toronto UP | 2018 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Robaszkiewicz, Maria | Übungen im politischen Denken | Springer | 2017 | |
Parris, Amanda | Kramer, Sina | Excluded Within: The (Un)Intelligibility of Radical Political Actors | Oxford UP | 2017 | |
Capener, Sean | Smith, Anthony Paul | Laruelle: A Stranger Thought | Polity | 2016 | |
Rawls, Christina | Charle, Christophe | Birth of the Intellectuals: 1880-1900 | Polity | 2015 | |
Westerman, Richard | Feenberg, Andrew | Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason | Harvard UP | 2017 | |
Tritten, Tyler | Dalton, Drew M. | The Ethics of Resistance | Bloomsbury | 2018 | |
Shaw, Devin Zane | Sriduangkaew, Benjanun and J. Moufawad-Paul | Methods Devour Themselves: A Conversation | Zero | 2018 | |
Birks, Chelsea | Rugo, Daniele | Philosophy and the Patience of Film in Cavell and Nancy | Palgrave Macmillan | 2016 | |
Lajoie, Corinne | Ahmed, Sara | Living a Feminist Life | Duke UP | 2017 | |
Hoff, Shannon | Rawlinson, Mary | Just Life: Bioethics and the Future of Sexual Difference | Columbia UP | 2016 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Meis Wörmer, Anneliese | El Espíritu Santo y el Sentimiento: Nexo Misterioso entre Espíritu y Cuerpo en Edith Stein | Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso | 2016 | |
Duvernoy, Russell J. | Morton, Timothy | Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence | Columbia UP | 2016 | |
Tritten, Tyler | Lundy, Craig and Daniela Voss, eds. | At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy | Edinburgh UP | 2015 | |
Moufawad-Paul, Joshua | Steven, Mark | Splatter Capital: The Political Economy of Gore Films | Repeater | 2017 | |
Konior, Bogna | Kolozova, Katerina and Eileen A. Joy, eds. | After the "Speculative Turn" | Punctum Books | 2016 | |
Pawlett Jackson, Sarah | Van der Heiden, Gert-Jan | Phenomenological Perspectives on Plurality | Brill | 2015 | |
Kotsko, Adam | Ramey, Joshua | Politics of Divination | Rowman & Littlefield | 2016 | |
Joldersma, Clarence | Zuidervaart, Lambert | Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational Philosophy | McGill-Queen's UP | 2016 | |
Murphy, Michael P.A. | Moran, Brendan and Carlo Salzani | Towards the Critique of Violence: Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben | Bloomsbury | 2015 | |
Landry, Aaron | Kroker, Arthur | Exits to the Posthuman Future | Polity | 2014 | |
Gangle, Rocco | John Ó Maoilearca | All Thoughts are Equal | University of Minnesota | 2015 | |
Westerman, Richard | Gordon, Peter | Adorno and Existence | Harvard UP | 2016 | |
Furlotte, Wes | Rosenkranz, Karl | Aesthetics of Ugliness | Bloomsbury | 2015 | |
Fleming, David H. | Del Río, Elena | The Grace of Destruction: A Vital Ethology of Extreme Cinemas | Bloomsbury | 2016 | |
Dryden, Jane | Breazeale, Daniel | Thinking Through the Wissenschaftslehre: Themes from Fichte’s Early Philosophy | Oxford | 2013 | |
Rayman, Joshua | Mariotti, Shannon L. | Adorno and Democracy: The American years | University Press of Kentucky | 2016 | |
Dozzi, Marco | Miguens, Sofia, Gerhard Preyer, and Clara Bravo Morando (eds.) | Pre-Reflective Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind | Routledge | 2016 | |
Simmons, William J. | Butler, Rex and David Denny (eds.) | Lars von Trier's Women | Bloomsbury | 2017 | |
Bergstrom, Anders | Rodowick, D.N. | Philosophy’s Artful Conversation | Harvard UP | 2015 | |
Koutras, Konstantinos | Rancière, Jacques | The Intervals of Cinema | Verso | 2014 | |
Islekel, Ege Selin | Naas, Michael | The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments: Derrida’s Final Seminar | Fordham UP | 2015 | |
Haaga, Adam | Secret, Timothy | The Politics and Pedagogy of Mourning: On Responsibility in Eulogy | Bloomsbury | 2015 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Romano, Claude | At the Heart of Reason | Northwestern UP | 2015 | |
Matheson Russell | Honneth, Axel and Jacques Rancière | Recognition or Disagreement | Columbia University | 2016 | |
Tremain, Shelley | Mladenov, Teodor | Critical Theory and Disability: A Phenomenological Approach | Bloomsbury | 2016 | |
Debogorski, Clinton | Braver, Lee (ed.) | Division III of Heidegger’s Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being | MIT Press | 2015 | |
Gibson, Christopher | Warnke, Georgia | Inheriting Gadamer: New Directions in Philosophical Hermeneutics | Edinburgh University | 2016 | |
Mariotti, Shannon | Mullen, Gary A. | Adorno on Politics After Auschwitz | Lexington | 2015 | |
Procyshyn, Alexei | Richter, Gerhard | Inheriting Walter Benjamin | Bloomsbury | 2016 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Lévi-Strauss, Claude | We Are All Cannibals and Other Essays | Columbia | 2016 | |
James, Ian | Nancy, Jean-Luc | Ego Sum: Corpus, Anima, Fabula | Fordham | 2016 | |
Nicholls, Tracey | Cornell, Drucilla and Stephen D. Seely | The Spirit of Revolution: Beyond the Dead Ends of Man | Polity | 2016 | |
Parker, Rodney K.B. | Ales Bello, Angela | The Sense of Things: Toward a Phenomenological Realism | Springer | 2015 | |
Jaima, Amir | Parris, LaRose T. | Being Apart: Theoretical and Existential Resistance in Africana Literature | University of Virginia | 2015 | |
Anderson, Patrick | Tunstall, Dwayne A. | Doing Philosophy Personally: Thinking about Metaphysics, Theism, and Antiblack Racism | Fordham UP | 2013 | |
Gunter, P.A.Y. | Lefebvre, Alexandre | Human Rights as a Way of Life: On Bergson’s Political Philosophy | Stanford UP | 2013 | |
Maidan, Michael | Goldwyn, Elisabeth | Reading Between the Lines: Form and Content in Levinas’s Talmudic Readings | Duquesne UP | 2015 | |
Shaw, Devin Zane | McLennan, Matthew R. | Philosophy, Sophistry, Antiphilosophy: Badiou's Dispute with Lyotard | Bloomsbury | 2015 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Shaw, Devin Zane | Egalitarian Moments: From Descartes to Rancière | Bloomsbury | 2016 | |
Elsby, Charlene | Calcagno, Antonio | Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein | Duquesne | 2014 | |
Brownlee, Timothy L. | Russon, John | Infinite Phenomenology: The Lessons of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Experience | Northwestern UP | 2016 | |
Meyer, Eric D. | Agamben, Giorgio | The Use of Bodies | Stanford UP | 2016 | |
Peterson, Keith R. | Ferraris, Maurizio | Introduction to New Realism | Bloomsbury | 2015 | |
Zummo, Raphaël | Ducharme, Olivier et Pierre-Alexandre Fradet | Une vie sans bon sens. Regard philosophique sur Pierre Perrault | Nota Bene | 2016 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Breaugh, Martin | The Plebeian Experience: A Discontinuous History of Political Freedom | Columbia UP | 2013 | |
DeLay, Steven | Rivera, Joseph | The Contemplative Self after Michel Henry: A Phenomenological Theology | University of Notre Dame Press | 2015 | |
Haladyn, Julian Jason and Maxwell Hyett | Palmer, Helen | Deleuze and Futurism: A Manifesto for Nonsense | Bloomsbury | 2014 | |
Wood, Matthew | Cisney, Vernon W. | Derrida's Voice and Phenomenon | Edinburgh UP | 2014 | |
Shaw, Devin Zane | Breaugh, Martin, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi, and Devin Penner | Thinking Radical Democracy: The Return to Politics in Post-war France | University of Toronto | 2015 | |
Nikolchina, Miglena | Stawarska, Beata | Saussure’s Philosophy of Language as Phenomenology: Undoing the Doctrine of the Course in General Linguistics | Oxford UP | 2015 | |
Adsett, Daniel | Van der Heiden | Ontology after Ontotheology: Plurality, Event, and Contingency in Contemporary Philosophy | Duquesne UP | 2014 | |
Meyer, Eric D. | Gschwandtner, Christina M. | Postmodern Apologetics?: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy | Fordham UP | 2013 | |
Meyer, Eric D. | Gschwandtner, Christina | Degrees of Givenness: On Saturation in Jean-Luc Marion | Indiana UP | 2014 | |
Gratton, Peter | Nancy, Jean-Luc and Adèle Van Reeth | La jouissance | Plon | 2014 | |
Harris, Daniel I. | Azzam, Abed | Nietzsche Versus Paul | Columbia UP | 2015 | |
Lalonde, Joshua | Gabriel, Markus | Fields of Sense: A New Realist Ontology | Edinburgh UP | 2015 | |
Gratton, Peter | Roitman, Janet | Anti-Crisis | Duke UP | 2014 | |
Lauer, Christopher | Altman, Matthew C. (ed.) | The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism | Palgrave Macmillan | 2014 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Giorgio Baruchello and Ingerid S. Straume (eds) | Creation, Rationality and Autonomy: Essays on Cornelius Castoriadis | NSU Press | 2013 | |
Elmore, Rick | Gratton, Peter | Speculative Realism: Problems and Prospects | Bloomsbury | 2014 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Baudrillard, Jean | The Divine Left: A Chronicle of the Years 1977–1984 | Semiotext(e) | 2014 | |
Josset, Sylvain | Perrin, Christophe | Entendre la métaphysique. Les significations de la pensée de Descartes dans l’œuvre de Heidegger | Peeters | 2013 | |
Biswas Mellamphy, Nandita | Panaïoti, Antoine | Antoine Panaïoti, Nietzsche and Buddhist Philosophy | Cambridge UP | 2013 | |
Furlotte, Wes | Stern, David S. (ed.) | Essays on Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit | SUNY | 2013 | |
Maidan, Michael | Forst, Rainer | The Right to Justification: Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice | Columbia UP | 2012 | |
Lewis, Clay | Haddad, Samir | Derrida and the Inheritance of Democracy | Indiana UP | 2013 | |
Laberge, Yves | Tanke, Joseph et Colin McQuillan (dirs.) | The Bloomsbury Anthology of Aesthetics | Bloomsbury Academic | 2012 | |
Frost, Tom | Whyte, Jessica | Catastrophe and Redemption: The Political Thought of Giorgio Agamben | SUNY | 2013 | |
Marshall, J.A.F. | McGrath, S.J. | The Dark Ground of Spirit: Schelling and the Unconscious | Routledge | 2012 | |
Lauzon, Jean | Fradet, Pierre Alexandre | Derrida-Bergson. Sur l’immédiateté | Hermann | 2014 | |
Pirovolakis, Eftichis | Maggini, Golfo | Toward a Hermeneutics of the Technical World: From Heidegger to Contemporary Technoscience | Patakis Publications | 2010 | |
Gratton, Peter | Johnston, Adrian | Prolegomena to Any Future Materialism | Northwestern UP | 2013 | |
Joldersma, Clarence | Severson, Eric | Levinas’s Philosophy of Time: Gift, Responsibility, Diachrony, Hope | Duquesne UP | 2013 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Marion, Jean-Luc | Givenness and Hermeneutics | Marquette UP | 2013 | |
Wood, Matthew | Ricoeur, Paul | Being, Essence and Substance in Plato and Aristotle | Polity | 2013 | |
Madelrieux, Stéphane | Babich, Babette | La fin de la pensée? Philosophie analytique contre philosophie continentale | L’Harmattan | 2012 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Negri, Antonio | The Winter is Over: Writings on Transformation Denied, 1989-1995 | Semiotext(e) | 2013 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Lyotard, Jean-François | Discourse, Figure | University of Minnesota | 2011 | |
O'Rourke, Jonathan | Crowell, Steven | Normativity and Phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger | Cambridge UP | 2013 | |
Gandon, Sébastien | Halimi, Brice | Le Nécessaire et l’universel. Analyse et critique de leur corrélation. | Vrin | 2013 | |
Bouton, Christophe | Thibodeau, Martin | Hegel et la tragédie grecque | Presses Universitaires de Rennes | 2011 | |
Fairfield, Paul | Madison, Gary B. | On Suffering: Philosophical Reflections on What It Means To Be Human | McMaster Innovation | 2013 | |
McMahon, Laura | Marratto, Scott L. | The Intercorporeal Self: Merleau-Ponty on Subjectivity | SUNY | 2012 | |
Haladyn, Julian Jason | Kelly, Michael | A Hunger for Aesthetics: Enacting the Demands of Art | Columbia UP | 2012 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Perone, Ugo | Filosofia e spazio pubblico | il Mulino | 2012 | |
Laberge, Yves | Mullarkey, John et Beth Lord (dirs) | The Continuum Companion to Continental Philosophy | Continuum | 2009 | |
Thibodeau, Martin | Laitinen, Arto et Constantin Sandis (dirs) | Hegel on Action | Palgrave Macmillan | 2010 | |
Ford, Thomas H. | Meillassoux, Quentin | The Number and the Siren: A Decipherment of Mallarmé's Coup de Dés | Urbanomic | 2012 | |
McLennan, Matthew R. | Guattari, Félix and Suely Rolnik | Molecular Revolution in Brazil | Semiotext(e) | 2008 | |
Karkov, Nikolay | Lazzarato, Maurizio | The Making of Indebted Man | Semiotext(e) | 2012 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Vattimo, Gianni and Santiago Zabala | Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx | Columbia UP | 2011 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Badiou, Alain | The Communist Hypothesis | Verso | 2010 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Groys, Boris | The Communist Postscript | Verso | 2009 | |
Smyth, Bryan | Thompson, Michael J. (ed.) | Georg Lukács Reconsidered: Critical Essays in Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics | Continuum | 2011 | |
Smyth, Bryan | Bewes, Timothy and Timothy Hall (eds) | Georg Lukács: The Fundamental Dissonance of Existence. Aesthetics, Politics, Literature | Continuum | 2011 | |
Laberge, Yves | Goebel, Rolf J. (ed.) | A Companion to the Works of Walter Benjamin | Camden House | 2009 | |
Ciurria, Michelle | Enns, Diane | The Violence of Victimhood | Pennsylvania State UP | 2012 | |
Harman, Jason | Watkin, Christopher | Difficult Atheism: Post-Theological Thinking in Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Quentin Meillassoux | Edinburgh UP | 2011 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | González Di Pierro, Eduardo | De la persona a la historia. Antropología fenomenológica y filosofia de la historia en Edith Stein | Dríada | 2004 | |
Walker, Rachel Loewen | Marrati, Paola | Gilles Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy | Johns Hopkins UP | 2008 | |
Landry, Aaron | Mitscherling, Jeff | The Image of a Second Sun: Plato on Poetry, Rhetoric and the Techne of Mimesis | Humanity Books | 2009 | |
Karkov, Nikolay | Pignarre, Philippe and Isabelle Stenger | Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell | Palgrave Macmillan | 2011 | |
Parker, Emily Anne and Kristin Rodier | de Beauvoir, Simone | The Second Sex | Knopf | 2010 | |
Sych, Steven | Wortham, Simon Morgan | The Derrida Dictionary | Continuum | 2010 | |
Sari, Yasemin | Raffoul, François | The Origins of Responsibility | Indiana UP | 2010 | |
Shaw, Devin Zane | Abensour, Miguel | Democracy Against the State: Marx and the Machiavellian Moment | Polity | 2011 | |
Holloway, Travis | Crépon, Marc and Bernard Stiegler | De la démocratie participative: Fondements et limites | Mille et une nuits | 2007 | |
Carastathis, Anna | McWhorter, Ladelle | Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy | Indiana UP | 2009 | |
Boublil, Elodie | Kristensen, Stefan | Parole et Subjectivité. Merleau-Ponty et la phénoménologie de l’expression | Georg Olms | 2010 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Guattari, Félix | Soft Subversions: Texts and Interviews 1977-1985 | Semiotext(e) | 2009 | |
Colony, Tracy | Boddice, Rob (ed.) | Anthropocentrism: Humans, Animals, Environments | Brill | 2011 | |
Shaw, Devin Zane | Stiegler, Bernard | For a New Critique of Political Economy | Cambridge UP | 2010 | |
Gray, Kevin W. | Brunkhorst, Hauke | Habermas | Reclam | 2006 | |
Gray, Kevin W. | Finlayson, Gordon James | Habermas: A Very Short Introduction | Oxford UP | 2005 | |
Gray, Kevin W. | Iser, Mattias and David Strecker | Jürgen Habermas: zur Einführung | Junius | 2010 | |
Balay, Joe | Carbone, Mauro | An Unprecedented Deformation: Marcel Proust and the Sensible Ideas | SUNY | 2010 | |
Proulx, Jeremy | Shaw, Devin Zane | Freedom and Nature in Schelling’s Philosophy of Art | Continuum | 2010 | |
Sych, Steven | Carlisle, Clare | Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling: A Reader’s Guide | Continuum | 2010 | |
Harman, Jason | Nancy, Jean-Luc | God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues | Fordham UP | 2011 | |
Boundas, Constantin V. | Lefebvre, Alexandre | The Image of Law: Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza | Stanford | 2008 | |
Melançon, Jérôme | Le Baut, Hervé | Présence de Merleau-Ponty | L'Harmattan | 2010 | |
Sharp, Hasana | Mack, Michael | Spinoza and the Specters of Modernity: The Hidden Enlightenment of Diversity from Spinoza to Freud | Continuum | 2010 | |
Gaulin, Morgan | Redding, Paul | Continental Idealism: Leibniz to Nietzsche | Routledge | 2009 | |
Smyth, Bryan | Toadvine, Ted | Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Nature | Northwestern UP | 2009 | |
Kennel, Maxwell | Stiegler, Bernard | Acting Out | Stanford UP | 2009 | |
Phillips, Janet M. | Protevi, John | John Protevi, Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic | U of Minnesota P | 2009 | |
Baltzer-Jaray, Kimberly | Rollinger, Robin D. | Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong, and Others on Mind and Object | Ontos | 2008 | |
Rodier, Kristin Anne | Ravaisson, Félix | Of Habit | Continuum | 2008 | |
Serban, Claudia-Cristina | Marion, Jean-Luc | Certitudes négatives | Grasset | 2010 | |
Mudde, Anna | Fordham, Finn | I Do, I Undo, I Redo: The Textual Genesis of Modernist Selves | York UP | 2010 | |
Appelbaum, David | O'Byrne, Anne | Natality and Finitude | Indiana UP | 2010 | |
Gratton, Peter | Nancy, Jean-Luc | The Truth of Democracy | Fordham UP | 2010 | |
Glass, Jordan | Cohen, Richard A. | Levinasian Meditations: Ethics, Philosophy, and Religion | Duquesne UP | 2010 | |
Manganaro, Patrizia | Ales Bello, Angela | Edith Stein o dell’armonia. Esistenza, Pensiero, Fede | Studium | 2009 | |
Boundas, Constantin V. | de Sutter, Laurent | Deleuze. La pratique du droit | Michalon | 2009 | |
Kennedy, Robert W.M. | Kearney, Richard | Anatheism: Returning to God after God | Columbia UP | 2010 | |
Singleton, Bronwyn | Oliver, Kelly | Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human | Columbia UP | 2009 | |
Kennedy, Robert W.M. | Guarino, Thomas G. | Vattimo and Theology | Continuum | 2009 | |
Glass, Jordan | Stauffer, Jill and Betina Bergo (eds) | Nietzsche and Levinas: “After the Death of a Certain God” | Columbia UP | 2009 | |
Tkach, David | Pettigrew, David and François Raffoul (eds) | French Interpretations of Heidegger: An Exceptional Reception | SUNY | 2008 | |
Zabala, Santiago | Davey, Nicholas | Unquiet Understanding: Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics | SUNY | 2006 | |
Glass, Jordan | Haase, Ullrich | Starting with Nietzsche | Continuum | 2008 | |
Melançon, Jérôme | Mayzaud, Yves | Personne, communauté et monade chez Husserl. Contribution à l’étude des fondements de la phénoménologie politique. | L'Harmattan | 2010 | |
Staehler, Tanja | Allen, Sarah | The Philosophical Sense of Transcendence: Levinas and Plato on Loving Beyond Being | Duquesne UP | 2009 | |
Provencher, Martin | Desroches, Dominic | Expressions éthiques de l’intériorité. Éthique et distance dans la pensée de Kierkegaard | PUL | 2008 | |
Allen, Sarah | Staehler, Tanja | Plato and Levinas: The Ambiguous Out-Side of Ethics | Routledge | 2010 | |
Short, Jonathan | de la Durantaye, Leland | Giorgio Agamben: A Critical Introduction | Stanford UP | 2009 | |
Short, Jonathan | Mills, Catherine | The Philosophy of Agamben | McGill/Queen’s UP | 2008 | |
Goldstein, Martin | Diprose, Rosalyn and Jack Reynolds (eds) | Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts | Acumen | 2008 | |
Gratton, Peter | Harman, Graham | Prince of Networks: Bruno Latour and Metaphysics | re-press | 2009 | |
Mitscherling, Jeff | Ales Bello, Angela | The Divine in Husserl and Other Explorations | Springer | 2009 | |
Skibra, Daniel | Visker, Rudi | The Inhuman Condition: Looking for Difference After Levinas and Heidegger | Duquesne UP | 2008 | |
Desroches, Dominic | Grosos, Philippe | L'ironie du réel à la lumière du romantisme allemand | L’Âge d’Homme | 2009 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Borden Sharkey, Sarah | Thine Own Self: Individuality in Edith Stein’s Later Writings | Catholic U of America | 2010 | |
Landry, Aaron James | Hyland, Drew | Plato and the Question of Beauty | Indiana UP | 2008 | |
Gratton, Peter | Malabou, Catherine | Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction | Columbia UP | 2010 | |
Carriere, Catherine | Shang, Ge Ling | Liberation as Affirmation: The Religiosity of Zhuangzi and Nietzsche | SUNY | 2007 | |
Ziser, Michael | Buchanan, Brett | Onto-Ethologies: The Animal Environments of Uexküll, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze | SUNY | 2008 | |
Gray, Kevin W. | Sherman, David | Sartre and Adorno: The Dialectics of Subjectivity | SUNY | 2007 | |
Mudde, Anna | Enns, Diane | Speaking of Freedom: Philosophy, Politics, and the Struggle for Liberation | Stanford UP | 2007 | |
Landry, Aaron James | Fabbri, Lorenzo | The Domestication of Derrida: Rorty, Pragmatism and Deconstruction | Continuum | 2008 | |
Calcagno, Antonio | Ales Bello, Angela and Anna Maria Pezzella (eds) | Edith Stein: Comunità e mondo della vita—Società Diritto Religione [Edith Stein: Community and the Lifeworld—Society, Law, Religion] | Lateran UP | 2008 | |
Lee, Robyn | Kangas, David J. | Kierkegaard’s Instant: On Beginnings | Indiana UP | 2007 | |
Weinkauf, David | Sembara, Richard | Rephrasing Heidegger: A Companion to Being and Time | U of Ottawa P | 2007 | |
Gamez, Patrick | Kompridis, Nikolas | Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory between Past and Future | MIT | 2006 | |
Rodger, Charles P. | Hegel, G.W.F. | Lectures on Logic: Berlin 1831 | Indiana UP | 2008 | |
Skibra, Daniel | Stapleford, Scott | Kant’s Transcendental Arguments: Disciplining Pure Reason | Continuum | 2008 | |
Desroches, Dominic | Clair, André | Kierkegaard et Lequier : lectures croisées | Cerf | 2008 | |
Otabé, Martin | Basque, Tania | Étude sur la phénoménologie de Heidegger : l’être et le phénomène | L'Harmattan | 2008 | |
Maloney, Cathy | Malka, Salomon | Emmanuel Levinas: His Life and Legacy | Duquesne UP | 2006 | |
Vizeau, Brent | Badiou, Alain | Briefings on Existence: A Short Treatise on Transitory Ontology | SUNY | 2006 | |
Czank, James | Dove, Craig | Nietzsche's Ethical Theory: Mind, Self and Responsibility | Continuum | 2008 | |
Proulx, Jeremy | Freydberg, Bernhard | Schelling's Dialogical Freedom Essay: Provocative Philosophy Then and Now | SUNY | 2008 | |
Antonioli, Manola | Giroux, Dalie, René Lemieux et Pierre-Luc Chénier (dirs) | Contr'hommage pour Gilles Deleuze | PUL | 2009 | |
Ewegen, Shane M. | Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe | Heidegger and the Politics of Poetry | Chicago UP | 2007 | |
Lussier, Martin | Stivale, Charles J. | Gilles Deleuze's ABCs: The Folds of Friendships | Johns Hopkins UP | 2008 | |
Cappucci, John | Press, Gerald A. | Plato: A Guide for the Perplexed | Continuum | 2007 | |
Rodger, Charles P. | Hegel, G.W.F. | Lectures on the History of Philosophy 1825–26, Volume I: Introduction and Oriental Philosophy | Oxford UP | 2009 | |
Tanke, Joseph J. | Taylor, Chloë | The Culture of Confession from Augustine to Foucault: A Genealogy of the “Confessing Animal” | Routledge | 2009 | |
Clark, Lorraine | Eagleton, Terry | Trouble with Strangers: A Study of Ethics | Wiley-Blackwell | 2009 | |
Gamsby, Patrick | Kennedy, Greg | An Ontology of Trash: The Disposable and its Problematic Nature | SUNY | 2007 | |
Desmeules, Marie-Hélène | Jaquet, Chantal | Les transclasses ou la non-reproduction | Presses universitaires de France | 2014 | |
St-Germain, Félix | Wotling, Patrick | Patrick Wotling, “Oui, l’homme fut un essai”. La philosophie de l’avenir selon Nietzsche | Presses universitaires de France | 2016 | |
Kristensen, Stefan | Fuchs, Thomas | Ecology of the Brain. The Phenomenology and Biology of the Embodied Mind, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018. | Oxford University Press | 2018 | |
Chaput, Emmanuel. Theurillat-Cloutier, Fanny | Simmel, Georg | L’argent dans la culture moderne et autres essais sur l’« économie de la vie » | Presses de l'Université Laval | 2018 | |
Gómez Algarra, César | Sommer, Christian | Mythologie de l’événement | Presses Universitaires de France | 2017 | |
Stanciu, Ovidiu | Heidegger, Martin | Martin Heidegger, Vers une définition de la philosophie | Seuil | 2017 | |
Cerutti, Patrick | Gourdain, Sylvaine | Sylvaine Gourdain, Sortir du transcendantal. Heidegger et sa lecture de Schelling | Ousia | 2018 | |
Rioux, Jean-François | Fagniez, Guillaume | Guillaume Fagniez, Comprendre l’historicité | Hermann | 2019 | |
Bois, Mathilde | Escoubas, Eliane | Éliane Escoubas, L’invention de l’art | La Part de l’Œil | 2019 | |
Fazakas, István | Arrien, Sophie-jan, Hardy, Jean-Sébastien et Perrier, Jean-François | Sophie-Jan Arrien, Jean-Sébastien Hardy et Jean-François Perrier (éds.), Aux marges de la phénoménologie | Hermann | 2019 |